Hey Cabbie, Stop Texting and Take Me Home

I have already written about texting and driving. Remember the story I told you last summer? The one with the guy who ran out of his car after slamming into us, declaring, “I’m sorry, I was texting!”

I think people have come a long way since last summer. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still screaming at people when I see them texting and driving, but thankfully, there are more people on headsets and more awareness about the issue.

What I have noticed recently is that in Hoboken, cab drivers are relentlessly texting and driving. Does city hall know about this? Don’t they run the taxi operation or something? Well they should, because in the last two weeks, on two separate occasions, I have literally had to ask each cab driver to refrain from using their cell phone to concentrate on the road.

I am usually met with a “WTF” look, but they oblige. Then we get into a conversation about the seriousness of texting while on the road (or they ignore me), and as soon as I’m dropped off, they’re back at it.

Hey, I have no control over what you do in your own car (or cab), even though it can affect the lives of my friends and family, but I can make you stop while you’re driving me, especially if I’m paying you.

One cabbie told me that his biggest issue is when people text and walk. Can you believe that texting and walking is now dangerous? Hey, I was with him. So many people don’t pay attention to the road and walk blindly into the middle of the street because they are so busy sending messages, tweeting, or whatever it is they’re doing.

But seriously, if you’re gonna talk the talk, walk the walk. Put your phone down, concentrate on the road and maybe, just maybe, you’ll get us from point A to point B in one piece, and I’ll give you a better tip.

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